Crepe Mrytle, Bouganvilla, Gardenia, Jasmine, Hibiscus, Plumbego, Kumquat blossoms, lemon tree flowers, and iris. The summer garden is so plentiful, and during these difficult times offers a real respite from the chaos and inferno that seems to be swallowing society as a whole.
I have chosen to work on a series of small light filled scenarios that envelope the peace and beauty I find and in my own back yard. Each painting is an intimate view of the grace we can find if we just look for it. Colour, light, scent, and all that thrives in beauty are ever present. If it is hard to find you can always plant it yourself, as I have done, or look for a visual reminder in a work of art.
The dichotomy of light and all it represents in contrast with its opposite has been a theme I have explored in my artwork for decades. In our current quarantine environment, seeking further understanding of light and all it encourages has taken a front seat in moving forward through pandemic circumstances.
Please join me to admire the beauty I encounter through painting during the pandemic.