At Gryder Gallery in front of my work, white Linen Night 2023
I exhibited 6 new paintings in the Botanicals exhibit at Gryder Gallery. Curated by Edward Hebert, the mix was fun and provided a number of different interpretations of a botanical. I was grateful to be a part of the exhibition.

The gallery was SO crowded !! Watching people take pictures of my pictures was surreal.

It was a fun and successful opening, albeit very warm August in New Orleans. One of my paintings was chosen to promote the event in the Newspaper.

The kiddos also came, and the evening was full of energy.

“Fallen Nest with elderberries and Spanish Moss,” one of my works included in the exhibition.

Passionflowers with Moth in a Butterfly Vase. Saskia Ozols, 2022

Yesterday’s Thorns. Saskia Ozols, 2023

Still life with Antique Opium Pot , Alligator Bones, and Pink Blossoms. Saskia Ozols, 2023

“Found Feathers” Saskia Ozols, 2023

Hibiscus in a Greenberg Vase. Saskia Ozols, 2023