Spider Lillies, Saskia Ozols. Oil on Panel, 10″ x 10″ 2024
This painting of spider lillies is part of an in progress series of contemporary vanitas paintings. This one explores issues related to the sublime and the beautiful.
The exhibition opens on August 3, 2024 at Gryder Gallery.
After trying to paint spider lillies for the past two days, now I know they have 6 white petals and 6 stamens (?) equally spaced in a web liike support structure; viewed from above creates a circle with 12 equal divisions . I also learned that they wilt in sbout 10 minutes, so you have to paint fast or consistently replace them- and try to memorize structural elements not visible or translated in a photo. I have been re-painting these petals and stamens for about two weeks now, replacing the flower each time it wilts. This piece has definitely been a journey.