This class welcomes both experienced oil painters and beginners. The focus will be on the unique color palette of the ancient Egyptians. Each student will create a painting that they will take home.
The museum will provide all necessary materials, including tabletop easels for a shared workspace. Participants are welcome to bring their easels, favorite brushes, and tools, and we will work in a limited palette of colors that will be provided. LASM will provide a wood panel for each student.
Ozols is a painter and independent curator from New Orleans, LA. Her exhibition record spans three decades and includes regional, national, and international venues. She founded the Fine Arts Preservation Society of New Orleans and The Ozols Collection: A Museum of American Painting and Pedagogy. Saskia has taught at Boston University, Tulane University, and Loyola University. Her work has been exhibited in numerous solo and group exhibitions in cities including New Orleans, Boston, Philadelphia, New York, Moscow, and St. Petersburg, Russia. She holds an MFA from the Museum School of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. Saskia currently organizes classes for the Fine Arts Preservation Society of New Orleans.
LASM’s “Studio Saturdays” are supported by a grant from the Louisiana Division of the Arts, Office of Cultural Development, Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism, in cooperation with the Louisiana State Arts Council, as administered by the RAC. Funding has also been provided by the National Endowment of the Arts and funded in part by the Alma Lee, Norman and Cary Saurage Fund of the Baton Rouge Area Foundation on behalf of Cary Saurage.